Getting Started: The First Few Weeks with a Virtual Assistant

You’ve recognized that you can’t create more hours in the day, and you’re ready to start delegating to your virtual assistant. Awesome. For many people who haven’t utilized an assistant - virtual or otherwise - this is the biggest leap.

And now, you’re ready to get your assistant started. At Trident, we’ve learned that the first few weeks are the most critical time to establish trust, delegate clear tasks and create helpful communication rhythms.

Here’s a handful of things you can realistically expect within the first 2-3 weeks.

1. Identify Your Needs:

  • Pinpoint tasks that take up significant time or those you find challenging.

  • Prioritize tasks that can be delegated, like scheduling, email management, research, etc.

  • Work alongside your Trident support team to ensure the key things you were looking for help with get priority attention

2. Set Clear Objectives:

  • Define the tasks you want the VA to handle and establish clear guidelines.

  • Create a list of expectations, deadlines, and communication preferences.

  • At the end of the first few weeks, review what was done and provide clear feedback on expectations met / not met

3. Establish Communication Channels:

  • Set up preferred communication methods (email, chat apps, project management tools). Very often, our VAs already have experience with the most common channels being used today.

  • Ensure clarity regarding working hours and availability.

4. Provide Clear Instructions:

  • Clearly communicate tasks, expectations, and any specific guidelines.

  • Offer training or guidance if necessary.

5. Start with Small Tasks:

  • We often focus on things like calendar management, inbox management and vendor management in the case of a generalist. If you hired for a more specific skillset, tasks would match appropriately (example - accounting).

  • Gradually increase responsibilities as trust builds.

6. Use Project Management Tools:

  • Implement tools like Trello, Asana, or Slack to streamline communication and task management.

  • Track progress and provide feedback regularly.

7. Establish Trust and Feedback Loop:

  • Trust is crucial for a successful partnership. Provide constructive feedback.

  • Encourage open communication to address any concerns or challenges.

8. Evaluate and Adjust:

  • Regularly review the VA’s performance and adjust tasks or procedures as needed.

  • Be open to optimizing the working relationship for better outcomes.


  • Documentation: Document processes to facilitate smoother handoffs and reduce misunderstandings.

  • Data Security: Ensure the VA understands and adheres to confidentiality and data security protocols.

  • Cultural Sensitivity: If your VA is from a different cultural background, be mindful of communication styles and potential language barriers.

Remember, effective collaboration with a virtual assistant involves clear communication, mutual understanding, and ongoing evaluation to ensure tasks are performed efficiently and to your satisfaction.


Debunking Misconceptions About Hiring Virtual Assistants


5 Easy Ways A Virtual Assistant Saves Time