Trident VA

$1500+ / month

Full-time assistance

  • 160 hours / month

  • 8 hours / day

  • Flexible schedule

  • Managed in the US

  • Real-time communication

  • Dedicated to you

A dedicated agent as an extension of your team, backed by a replacement guarantee. No long-term contracts.

Transparent pricing, clear value

Traditional Hire

$40,000+ annually

Cost considerations

  • Hiring / job board fees

  • Training costs, time to effectiveness

  • Insurance / benefits burden, typically + 15% of salary

  • Turnover cost

  • Office space / supplies

Average cost-of-living (COLA) increase in last 3 years has been 17% (source: Bankrate).

Common Questions

Where are your assistants located?

We’re based on Austin, TX, and have assistants located in The Philippines and the Caribbean.

Can I interview my assistants ahead of hiring?

Absolutely! All candidates are screened by our team and yours before any hiring commitments are made.

Are there any hidden fees or charges?

No. We offer simple, flat-rate pricing for both part-time and full-time assistant hires.

What services can my assistant provide?

Our assistants are specialized in areas like sales, marketing, customer service, administrative assistance, and more. Most have 3-5+ years of experience.

How do I communicate with my assistant?

They will work within your existing systems - CRM, collaboration tools, etc. - seamless and frictionless.

What about data security?

We take data security very seriously, and have implemented multiple layers of security measures to protect client data. We comply with all industry standards.

The right hire can change your life.

Are you ready to add hours back to your day by hiring an assistant? Let’s talk.